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American Indian Rock Art (AIRA) Papers Sorted By Volume

Volume Author Title Page Reference
1 Bain, James G. Tapping the TAP (Tourist Archaeological Potential) 147-150
1 Davidson, Howard M. The Occurrence of the Hand Motif in North American Indian Rock Art 151- 163
1 Davis, John V. A Prehistoric Water Control System at Hueco Tanks State Park 91-104
1 George, Peter B. A Recently Discovered Rock Art Site in Northern New Mexico 105-108
1 Hedges, Ken Kumeyaay Rock Paintings in Southern California 115-129
1 Kolber, Jane and Yoder, Donna Survey of Rock Art of Apache County, Navajo Reservation 57-63
1 Lemmon, Jean Robertson and Robertson, Nancy Rock Art of the Raton Section of the Great Plains Province 41-56
1 Lowrance, Miriam A. Rock Art of the Big Bend, Texas 28-39
1 Pilles Jr., Peter J. Petroglyphs of the Little Colorado River Valley, Arizona 1-27
1 Snyder, Ernest E. Petroglyphs of the South Mountains of Arizona 109-113
1 Steed Jr., Paul P. The Fort Hancock Rock Art Site 85-90
1 Sutherland, Kay A Classification and Preliminary Analysis of Pictographs at Hueco Tanks State Park, Texas 65-83
1 Watson, Editha L. Materials of Ancient Southwestern Art 131-135
1 Wellmann, Klaus F. X-Ray Motifs in North American Indian Rock Art  136-146
2 Bain, Col. James G. Paleolithic Rock Art. Does it Exist in North America 109-113
2 Buck, Mimi and Rhodes, Cheryl Rock Art of West Central Colorado and Periphery 1-4
2 Castleton M.D., Kenneth B. Rock Art of the Uintah Basin of Utah 19-25
2 Grant, Campbell The Need for Consistency in Rock Art Terminology 88-91
2 Green, John W. The Study of Early Photographs of Rock Art Sites to Enhance the Accuracy of Later Investigations 66-82
2 Hedges, Ken Southern California Rock Art as Shamanic Art 126-138
2 Horne, Stephen Analysis of Chumash Rock Art from Sierra Madre Ridge, California 114-125
2 James III, Charles D. and Davidson, Howard H. Style Changes of the Horse Motif in Navajo Rock Art: A Preliminary Analysis 26-46
2 Lowrance, Miriam A. El Dorado Through La Junta, Big Bend, Texas 47-65
2 Mayer, Dorothy A Possible Astronomical Petroglyph Panel at Spanish Springs 139-156
2 Snyder, Ernest E. A Proposal for Developing a Uniform Rock Art Nomenclature System 87
2 Steed Jr., Paul P. Towards a Classification of Rock Art Design Elements 83-86
2 Vuncannon, Delcie H. Grand Gulch: Southeastern Utah's Picture Gallery 5-18
2 Wellmann, Klaus F. Some Observations of the Bird Motif in North American Indian Rock Art 97-108
2 Wood, Albert W. Petroglyphs and Pictographs Explained Through Ethnohistory 92-96
3 Apostoledes, Alex Rock Art of the Saltdale Quadrangle: A Mojave Desert Survey 101-106
3 Castleton, Kenneth B. The Rock Art of the San Juan River Between Bluff and Mexican Hat 110-114
3 Cawley, John The Rocky Hill Pictographs 107-109
3 Fowler, Daniel B. Indian Petroglyphs Recently Discovered in West Virginia 38-46
3 Fresko, David Rock Art of Southeastern Anatolia with Some Comparisons to Northern American Indian Rock Art  27-37
3 Grant, Campbell Some Painted Rock Art Sites in the Sierra Libre, Sonora, Mexico 47-62
3 Hedges, Ken Rock Art in the Pinon Forests of Northern Baja California 1-8
3 Marshall, Francine Aesthetics of the Great Basin Pecked Style 80-85
3 Martin, Donald Introduction to the Rock Art of Death Valley 144-150
3 Rector, Carol Huber The Function of East Mojave Rock Art 151-156
3 Ritter, Dale W. and Ritter, Eric W. The Influence of the Religious Formulator in Rock Art of North America 63-79
3 Snyder, Ernest E. The Great Sinagua Serpent Pictograph of Hart Well Canyon 120-123
3 Steed Jr., Paul P. Rock Art at La Cienega Mesa, New Mexico 115-119
3 Steinbring, Jack Prehistoric Lunar Cultism in the Great Lakes Region: An Hypothesis Regarding the Old Copper Culture 9-26
3 Sutherland, Kay A Comparison of Jornada Mogollon Mask Motifs with Contemporary Kachina Masks 124-143
3 Vuncannon, Delcie H. Do Diamond Chain Patterns Found on the High Desert Indicate Puberty Practices? 96-100
3 Wellmann, Klaus F. Ships on the Rocks 86-95
4 Apostoledes, Alex The Rock Art of Chalcazingo, Morales, Mexico 90-95
4 Benton, James Dating a Pictograph 21-25
4 Brooks, Richard, Ritter, Eric W. and Farrell, Nancy Native American Rock Art in a 19th Century California Mining Boom Town 9-20
4 Brugge, David M. Motivation and Function in Navajo Rock Art 141-147
4 Chamberlain, Von Del Sky Smbol Rock Art 79-89
4 D'Amico, Diane H. Rock Art of the Northern Sinagua Area 128-140
4 Davis, John V. The Occurrence of Pecked Figures at Hueco Tanks Pictograph Site 96-103
4 Hawk, Ruth Visual Perception - and Mis-Conception 71-78
4 Kolber, Jane and Yoder, Donna Anthropomorphs of Red Lake 104-107
4 Lee, Georgia Decorated Burial Markers and Portable Rock Art of the Indians of the Santa Barbara Coast 177-190
4 McCarthy, Daniel F. Introduction to Rock Art of Joshua Tree National Monument 41-56
4 McGowan, Charlotte Female Fertility and Rock Art 26-40
4 Popelish, Linda Ann Stylistic Variation in Anasazi Rock Art, Canyon del Muerto, Arizona 148-155
4 Ritter, Eric W. Management of Rock Art in the California Desert 1-8
4 Snyder, Ernest A Comparison of Hohokam and Possible Patayan Petroglyphs near Phoenix, Arizona 124-127
4 Vuncannon, Delcie H. Petroglyphs in John's Canyon, Utah 156-169
4 Weaver Jr., Donald E. and Rosenberg, Bettina H. Petroglyphs of the Southern Sierra Estrella - A Locational Interpretation 108-123
4 Wellmann, Klaus F. The Jump-Across Creek Petroglyph Site in Bella Coola Indian Terrtitory, British Columbia 57-70
4 Wilson, Richard A. Rock Art at Arrow Canyon, Nevada 170-176
5 Steinbring, Jack Late Archaic Dynamics Through Cross-Media Rock Art Comparisons 155-172
5 Sutherland, Kay Hueco Tanks State Park, Texas: The Politics of Preservation 81-97
5 Thomas, Jesse James Rock Art and the Phenomenology of Language 126-134
5 Vuncannon, Delcie H. The Ten Circle Horsehoe Intaglios of Mule Mountain 142-154
5 Wellmann, Klaus F. A Quantitative Analysis of Superimpositions in the Rock Art of the Coso Range, California 50
5 Williamson Ray A. and Young, Mary Jane An Equinox Sum Petroglyph Panel at Hovenweep National Monument 70-80
5 Benton, James S.and Vuncannon, Delcie H. Cultural Affinities of the Freightwagon Site, Near Baker, California 59-69
5 Bilbo, Michael Use of Photo Mosaics in the Mapping of Rock Art Sites at Hueco Tanks State Park, Texas 135-141
5 Crotty, Helen K. Rock Art of the Modoc Territory 22-35
5 Crowley, M. Suzanne Rock Art of Saline Valley, Inyo County, California 36-49
5 Grant, Campbell The Occurrence of the Atlatl in Rock Art 1-21
5 Hedges, Ken The Rancho Bernardo Style in Southern California 51-58
5 Landon, George M. The Petroglyphs and Other Features at Jagow Well 99-114
5 McClure Jr., Richard H. The Tsagiglalal Motif in Rock Art of the Lower Colombia River 173-189
5 Sofar, Anna, Volker, Zinser and Sinclair, Rolf A Unique Solar Marking Construct of the Ancient Pueblo Indians 115-125
6 Burke, William J., Bradshaw, Richard L., and Turner II, Christy G. Preservation Studies on the Davis Gulch Pictographs 11-17
6 Cawley, John J. Contemporary Rock Art 18-20
6 Fresko, David Review of Two Rock Art Sites in Puerto Rico 66-79
6 Grant, Campbell An Introduction to Yokuts Rock Painting 21-35
6 Hedges, Ken Painted Pebbles from Lake Cahuilla, Imperial County, California 103-106
6 Lee, Georgia and McCarthy, Daniel The Rock Art of the Stanislaus River, California 130-140
6 Leen, Daniel The Meyers Narrows Petroglyphs: The Archaeological and Ethnographic Context of a Northwest Coast Rock Art Site 48-65
6 McCarthy, Daniel F. Rock Art Dating at Travertine Point 107-117
6 McClure Jr., Richard H. Paired Anthropomorphs of Central Washington 36-47
6 Quinn, Harry M. Two Unusual Mountain Cahuilla Rock Art Sites in Riverside County, California 118-129
6 Schiffman, Robert A. and Andrews, Stephen B. The Slippery Rock Petroglyph Site: Analysis and Interpretation of Ker-25 141-156
6 Warner, Jesse Some Considerations of Style and a Reappraisal of the Western Utah Painted Style 80-87
6 Warner, Jesse Engraved Pebble Style of the Salt Flats of Western Utah 88-102
6 Wellmann, Klaus F. Shades of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Conceptual Dichotomy as Expressed in North American Indian Rock Drawings 155
7&8 Apostoledes, Alex Two Petroglyph Sites in Durango, Mexico 69-75
7&8 Benton, James There is a Connection - I Think 221-224
7&8 Grant, Campbell The Bighorn Sheep - Pre-Eminent Motif in the Rock Art of Western North America 11-25
7&8 Harris, James R. The War Twins Petroglyph and a Tentative Interpretation 165-176
7&8 Hedges, Ken Great Basin Rock Art Styles: A Revisionist View 205-211
7&8 Hedges, Ken Phosphenes in the Context of Native American Rock Art 1-10
7&8 Lee, Georgia Easter Island Rock Art: The 1981 Field Season 132-148
7&8 Lee, Georgia and Bock, A.J. Schematization and Symbolism in American Indian Rock Art 26-32
7&8 McCarthy, Daniel F. Rock Art Replicas: A Method of Recording 102-103
7&8 McCreery, Pat and McCreery, Pat Jack An Unusual Solstice - Observation Site in Southern Utah 149-157
7&8 Meighan, Clement W. Rock Art and Archaeology 225-229
7&8 Miller, Layne Rochester Creek, Utah 93-101
7&8 Murray, William Breen Rock Art and Site Environment at Boca de Potrerillos, Nueva Leon, Mexico 57-68
7&8 Ritter, Eric W. and Rector, Carol H. Payen, Louis A. Marine, Terrestrial, and Geometric Representations with the Rock Art of the Concepcion Peninsula, Baja California, Mexico 38-56
7&8 Steinbring, Jack Shamanistic Manipulations and the Algonkin Idiom in the Archaeoethnology of Rock Art 212-220
7&8 Steinbring, Jack Lake of the Woods Style: Petroglyphs of Probable Archaic Affiliation in the Northern Mid-Continent 76-86
7&8 Sundstrom, Linea A Rock Art Chronology for the Black Hills 177-204
7&8 Thomas, Jesse James  Rock Art and the Religion of the Sky 33-37
7&8 Vuncannon, Delcie H. Painted Cave in the Old Woman Mountains, California 87-92
7&8 Warner, Jesse E. The Enclosure Petroglyph Motif: One Possible Interpretation 104-116
7&8 Warner, Jesse E. Concepts and Significance of the Two and One-Horned Sheep 117-131
7&8 Warner, Jesse E. Problems with Current Element Lists 158-164
9 Alioto, Joesph T. Interpretation of Chumash Rock Art: A Psychological Perspective 44-49
9 Docktor, Desiree The Significance of Rock Art Setting in the Interpretation of Form and Functuion: Preliminary Investigation of Two Yokuts Sites in California 63-71
9 Faulstich, Paul Evan Australian Aboriginal Rock Art And the Sense of Place 96-113
9 Freeman, Paul and Payen, Louis J. A Probable Solstice Site in Northern California 22-25
9 Grant, Campbell Clay Figurines and Rock Paintingss 77-81
9 Hedges, Ken A Re-examination of Pomo Baby Rocks 10-21
9 Hunger, Heinz Ritual Coition as Sacred Marriage in the Rock Art of North America 1-9
9 McCarthy, Daniel F. Stereo Photography: An Aid to Recording Rock Atr 34-36
9 Murray, William Breen Three Painted Rock Shelters in the Upper Tarahumara Country of Chihuahua, Mexico 82-88
9 Oliver, Mark and Hyder, William D. Meaning and Symbol: The Contribution of Social Organization to the Study of Chumash Rock Art 50-62
9 Steinbring, Jack and Steinbring, Sandra Manipulative Factors in Hawaiian Rock Art 89-95
9 Turner, Wilson G. The Importance of Systematic Rock Art Inventories 37-43
9 Vuncannon, Delcie H. Dog Pictographs Define Settlement Area of ‘Sheepeaters’ 26-33
9 Warner, Jesse A Practical Application of Nomenclature 114-120
9 Weinberger, Gay Four Forms of Yokuts Rock Art From Tulare County, California 72-76
10 Bock, Frank G. and Bock, A.J. CA-SHA-39: A Lesson in Maximizing a Rock Art Site 62-78
10 Faulstich, Paul Spirits on the Rock: Symbol and Structure in North Queensland, Australia Rock Paintings 1-28
10 Harris, James R. Zion Park Petroglyph Canyon Panel 40-47
10 Hunger, Heinz Ritual Coition with and among Animals 116-124
10 Hyder, William D. and Oliver, Mark Style and Chronology in Chumash Rock Art 86-101
10 Ives, Gay A. The Dolores Archaeological Program Rock Art Study, Southwestern Colorado 48-61
10 Knaak, Manfred Summer Solstice Observatory in Kumeyaay Land, San Diego County, California 79-85
10 Lee, Georgia Rock Art of Easter Island: The 1982-1983 Season 174-194
10 Moore, Edra Human Perceptual Behavior and its Implications for Rock Art Research 130-144
10 Ritter, Eric W. Interpreting the Rock Art of La Trinidad, Baja California, Mexico with Regional Implications 157-173
10 Steinbring, Jack and Simpson, David The Mud Portage Site (DkKr-4): A Preceramic Context for Petroglyphs in Northwest Ontario 145-156
10 Warner, Jesse E. Assessing the Significance of Rock Art 125-129
10 Warner, Judith An Intuitive View of Waterflow, New Mexico 29-39
10 Weaver Jr., Donald E. Three Pictograph Traditions in North Central, Arizona 102-115
11 Hyder, William D., Lee, Georgia and Oliver, Mark Culture, Style, and Chronology: The Rock Art of the Carrizo Plain 43-57
11 Layman, William D. The Rock Art of Rock Island Rapids: A Historical Overview 76-87
11 McCarthy, Daniel F. Preliminary Report of the Rock Alignments of Panamint Valley, California 32-41
11 McCreery, Pat and McCreery, Pat Jack A Petroglyph Site with Possible Hopi Ceremonial Associations 1-7
11 Nissen, Karen M. and Ritter, Eric W. Cupped Rock Art in North-Central California: Hypothesis Regarding Age and Social / Ecological Context 58-75
11 Noxon, John and Marcus, Deborah Waste to Create Waste? Potential Impact of High-Level Nuclear Waste on Rock Art in Canyonlands National Park, Southeastern Utah 18-31
11 Schwartz, Esther E. Wheels and Ships of Gjerpen and Other Petroglyphs near Skien, Norway 100-107
11 Vuncannon, Delcie H. Rock Art Diversity in Hells Canyon 89-99
11 Weaver Jr., Donald E. Sixteen Centuries of Rock Art at River House Ruin in Southeastern Utah 8-17
12 Bednarik, Robert G. The Cave Art of Australia 81-87
12 Benson, Arlene and Hoskinson, Tom Transformations: Preparing the Land 37-46
12 Chamberlain, Von Del Navajo Star Ceilings 101-110
12 Dickman, Jeffrey The Value of Rock Art Repositories and Their Application 89-92
12 Ewing, Eve Preliminary Report on Cueva Halcon: A Major Discovery from the Sierra Mescalera, Southern Baja Norte, Mexico 111-122
12 Grant, Campbell Alder Cave (CA-VEN-347) 57-64
12 Harris, James R. Corn Maidens in Anasazi Rock Art 123-131
12 Hunger, Heinz Ritual Coition with Inanimate Objects 75-80
12 Mark, Robert and Newman, Evelyn Computer-Graphics Assisted Recording Uvas Creek Petroglyph Site 137-144
12 Ricks, Mary F. and Cannon, William J. A Preliminary Report on the Lake County, Oregon Rock Art Inventory: A Data Base for Rock Art Research 93-99
12 Ritter, Eric W. Multifaceted Research and the Enigmatic Shingletown Cliff Paintings of Northern California 65-74
12 Strange, William C. When the Stone Sings: What Meaning Might Mean in Rock Art 31-35
12 Steinbring, Jack Dating Rock Art in the Northern Midcontinent 15-29
12 Urban, Sharon F. Recording Rock Art Sites as Archaeological Sites 133-135
12 Warner, Judith S. and Warner, Jesse E. To Slay a Dragon 1-13
12 Weinberger, Gay Yokuts Rock Art from the Post-Contact Period 145-150
13&14 Barabas, Bryn M. Rock Art at the Southwest Museum 115-118
13&14 Bock, Frank and Bock, A.J. Rock Art of the Arizona Strip (Preliminary Report Includes Pakoon Springs and Little Black Mountain) 27-46
13&14 Hedges, Ken and Hamann, Diane The Palo Verde Petroglyphs: a Preliminary Report, California 9-16
13&14 Holmlund, James and Wallace, Henry Paleoseismicity and Rock Art in Southern Arizona 1-8
13&14 Jack, Jennifer Management of Rock Art Sites in the Paria Wilderness Area 149-151
13&14 McCarthy, Daniel F., Payan, Louis and Ennis, Paul Use of Amino Acid Racemization Methods on Rock Paintings at Motte-Rimrock Reserve, Riverside, California 17-22
13&14 McGowan, Charlotte Taiwanese Rock Art and the Legend of the Lady and the Serpent 153-161
13&14 Moore, Elanie ‘The Cochimi Landscape’ in the Great Murals of the Sierra San Francisco, Baja California: Is Ron Smith's System Valid? 47-56
13&14 Ritter, Eric W. An Analysis of Mural Art and Rock Art Sites in the Acari and Yauca Valleys of Southern Peru 63-76
13&14 Steinbring, Jack The Need for a Method and Theory in Rock Art Conservation 23-26
13&14 Strange, William C. Palimpset: Re-Thinking Superimposition in Rock Art 119-126
13&14 Strange, William C. Child of the Water, Child of the Wall: An Essay in the Semiotics of Barrier Canyon, Utah 77-81
13&14 Turner II, Christy G. The Origin of American Rock Art 57-62
13&14 Warner, Jesse E. An Introduction to Figures Representing a Double Entity 127-148
13&14 Weaver Jr., Donald E. Sinagua Rock Art: Petroglyphs at Lizard Man Village 83-114
15 Allen, Mary K. New Frontiers in Rock Art: the Grand Canyon 48-70
15 Benson, Arlene and Buckskin, Floyd Achomawi Jumping Rocks and the Concept of the Test 31-38
15 Conway, Thor Ojibwa Oral History Relating to 19th Century Rock Art 11-26
15 McCarthy, Daniel F. California Archaeological Inventory and Rock Art Studies 39-47
15 McGowan, Charlotte The Piasa: One Community's Preservation of its Rock Art 1-10
15 Miller, Frances J. Investigations at Y:3:1: (BLM) Archaeological District: An Example of Multiple Features in Association with Rock Art in Southwestern Arizona 105-110
15 Murray Ph.d., Wm. Antlers and Counting in Northeast Mexican Rock Art 71-79
15 Scheller, Donald T. New and Nontraditional Films for Rock Art Recording 111-115
15 Weaver Jr., Donald E. and Slominski, Nancy Turkey Tanks: A Prehistoric Wayfarer Rest Stop? 80-103
15 Weinberger, Gay Distinctions in the Archaeological Context of Cupules 27-30
16 Arratia, Leticia Gonzalez Current State of Research in Petroglyphs in the Northern Mexican States of Coahuila and Nuevo Leon 177-187
16 Bock, Frank and A.J. A Review of an Attempt to Restore Petroglyphs Using Artificial Desert Varnish at Petrified Forest, Arizona 35-48
16 Boyd, Douglas K. Aboriginal Rock Art of Justiceburg Reservoir: A Regional Perspective for the Texas Panhandle-Plains 123-145
16 Crotty, Helen K. Formal Qualities of the Jornada Style and Pueblo IV Rock Art: A Comparison with Implications for the Origins of Pueblo Ceremonialism 147-166
16 Gordon, Mary Cupule Petroglyphs in Tulare County, California 227-236
16 Hedges, Ken Repainting in Kumeyaay Rock Art: Vandalism, Defacement, or Renewal? 63-70
16 Hyder, William D. and Lee, Georgia Modoc Rock Art: a Reevaluation 237-252
16 Labadie, Joseph H. Current Rock Art Research at Amistad Recreational Area, Southwest Texas 81-92
16 Lee, Georgia The Protection of Rock Art Sites 1-9
16 McCarthy, Daniel F. Rock Art Management Considerations at Lake Perris State Recreation Area, Riverside County, California 71-79
16 Murray, William Breen and Nunez, Juan Pablo Camacho Caballito Blanco (Oaxaca): Rock Art and Astronomy Context 167-176
16 Ralph, Ronald W. Seminole Canyon State Historic Park: An Inventory of Rock Art Conservation 93-97
16 Smits, Lucas G.A. Research on the Rock Art of Southern Africa in the 1980's 11-19
16 Strange, William C. Bear Country: Likeness in Rock Art 211-225
16 Strecker, Matthias Rock Art Paintings of Lajasmayu, Betanzos, Department of Potosi, Bolivia 189-210
16 Turpin, Solveig A. Speculation on the Age and Origin of the Pecos River Style, Southwest Texas 99-122
16 Veni, George Geologic and Management Considerations in the Preservation of the Maya Naj Tunich Paintings, Peten, Guatemala 49-61
16 Wainwright, Ian N.M. and Stone, Thomas G. Experiments to Remove Wax Crayon from Petroglyphs in Marble 21-33
17 Bahn, Paul G. Alice in Wonderland, or Through the Looking Glass? 1-5
17 Barabas, Bryn Marie Ex Situ: Conserving Rock Art Records 6-10
17 Bock, Frank and Bock, A.J. The Birdheaded Figure of the Southwest in Psychopomp 11-28
17 Burkholder, Grace Clark County, Nevada, Calendrical Markers 29-35
17 Christensen, Don D. Pre-Pueblo Rock Art in the Little Colorado River Drainage 36-43
17 Hedges, Ken and Hamann, Diane Look to the Mountaintop: Rock Art of Texas Hill, Arizona 44-55
17 Kolber, Jane The Rock Art of the San Pedro River, Cochise County, Arizona 56-62
17 Lee, Georgia The Role of Drawing in Rock Art Documentation 63-67
17 Lee, Georgia and Hyder, Willam D. Symbol and the Importance of Place: The Painted Rock of the Carrizo 47-55
17 McCreery, Pat Two Ritual Objects in Rock Art of the Lower Puerco, Little Colorado Region, Arizona 68-83
17 Ritter, Eric W. A Problem of Style, Settlement, and Subsistence: Rock Art at Arroyo San Juan and Los Horconcitos, Baja California Sur, Mexico 84-101
17 Steinbring, Jack Phenomenal Attributes: Site Selection Factors in Rock Art 102-113
17 Stoney, Stephan A. What Do We Know About Sheep Symbolism in Southern Nevada? 114-123
17 Strange, William C. Touchstone: A Strong Role for Rock Art in Native American Studies 124-129
18 Bock, A.J. and Lee, Georgia Footsteps to Destruction: A Guide for Visiting and/or Recording Rock Art Sites 23-26
18 Davenport, Marietta A. Hanson, John A. and Lesko, Lawrence M. The Rocks Remember. . . The Art of Snake Gulch 65-70
18 Dorn, Ronald I. Paleoenvironmental Signals in Rock Varnish on Petroglyphs 1-17
18 Hedges, Ken The Petroglyphs of Zion Wash 53-63
18 Labadie, John Antoine Rock Art of Ohio: Looking into the Past and Establishing an Agenda for the Future 105-112
18 Labadie, Joseph H. Petroglyphs and Rock Engravings in the Lower Pecos Region of Southwestern Texas and Northern Mexico 71-80
18 Ritter, Eric W. and Parkman, E. Breck Rock Art of the Foothills of the Northern Sierra Nevada - Southern Cascade Range Interface 81-104
18 Russ, Jon, Hyman, Marian and Rowe, Marvin W. Dating and Chemical Analysis of Pecos River Style Petroglyphs 35-42
18 Sanger, Kay Kennedy Making Our Work in Rock Art Count 19-22
18 Strange, William C. Naramata and the Eskimo Tease 113-118
18 Watchman, Alan Potential Methods for Dating Rock Paintings 43-51
18 Weinberger, Gay and Gordon, Mary A Computer Compilation of Rock Art Data in Tulare County 27-33
19 Bahn, Paul G. The Rock Art of China: The Longest Known and Least Known 1-7
19 Chaffee, Scott D., Hyman, Marian and Rowe, Marvin W. Direct Dating of Pictographs 23-30
19 Dorn, Ronald I. and Jones, Trinkle Ann, Bock, A.J. and Bock, Frank Preliminary Data on Radiocarbon Dating of Petroglyphs at Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona 31-39
19 Hedges, Ken and Hamann, Diane The Rock Art of White Tanks, Arizona 57-69
19 Hogue, Kathleen Conservation Measures for the Rock Art of Kachina Panel, Southeast Utah 17-21
19 Marcus, Deborah and Noxon, John Rock Art of the Tassili Plateau, The Sahara, Africa 89-97
19 Scheller, Donald T. Site and Design Similarities in Rock Art And Urban Graffiti 41-48
19 Stoney, Stephan A. Cupule Rock Art in Southern Nevada: An Analysis 49-56
19 Strange, William C. Learning to Say Circle: The Costly Grammer of a Herd 9-16
19 Weaver Jr., Donald E. The Rock Art of the White Mountains-Mogollan Rim Area of Eastern Arizona 71-88
20 Abel, Brent Proposed Investigations at Two Western Archaic Petroglyph Sites Near Pecos, New Mexico 13-18
20 Christensen, Don D. Rock Art Research: Retrospect and Future Considerations 1-6
20 Greer, John The Painted Rock Art of Southwestern Venezuela: Context and Chronology 45-58
20 Greer, Mavis and Greer, John Sun River Pictographs in Central Montana 25-33
20 Hedges, Ken Oatman Point: New Discoveries on the Lower Gila 7-12
20 Mark, Robert and Newman, Evelyn Management of Petroglyph Rubbing at Two Pacific Northwest Coast Sites 19-24
20 Maxwell, T.J. The Narrative of Pictograph, CA-VEN-314 69-76
20 Parkman, E. Breck  Lungumari Puntilla: A Cupule Petroglyph Occurrence on the South Coast of Peru 35-44
20 Sanger, Kay Analyzing Border Site Use with Rock Art at Carneros Rocks 59-67
21-1 Faulstich, Paul Introduction: Rock Art As Visual Ecology 1-5
21-1 Schaafsma, Polly Rock Art, World Views, and Contemporary Issues 7-20
21-1 Parkman, E. Breck Pomoan Concepts of Power, Spirit, and Place 21-29
21-1 Hyder, William D. Basketmaker Spatial Identity: Rock Art as Culture and Praxis 31-42
21-1 Lenssen-Erz, Tilman Metaphors of Intactness of Environment in Namibian Rock Paintings 43-54
21-1 Hartley, Ralph J., and Anne M. Wolley Vawser Wayfinding in the Desert: Evaluating the Role of Rock Art Through GIS 55-76
21-1 Sanger, Kay A Fish Story: Realism or Symbolic Communication? Arroyo de las Piedras Pintas, Baja California 77-91
21-1 Strange, William C. Laughter at Batequi 93-100
21-2 Odegaard, Nancy Approaches to the Care of Cultural Resources: Some Background of the Conservation Profession 1-5
21-2 Bricker, Felton, Thomas Holcomb, and J. Claire Dean A Native American's Thoughts on the Preservation and Conservation of Rock Art 7-9
21-2 Lim, Imogene L. Rock Art as a Cultural Heritage: Strategies for Administration 11-20
21-2 Dean, J. Claire Hardware Store Conservation: Why This Week's 'Best Buy' May Not Be Such a Bargain 21-26
21-2 Dandridge, Debra, and Allen E. Kane Vogel Canyon: A Case History of Federal Agency Rock Art Resource Management 27-32
21-2 Howard, Julia A., and Constance S. Silver The Comprehensive Preservation and Conservation Program for the Rock Art of Sego Canyon, Utah 33-40
21-2 Griswold, John Camouflaging Graffiti: The Problem of Outdoor Inpainting 41-46
21-2 Strecker, Matthias, Freddy Taboada Téllez, and Fernando Huaranca Rock Art Protection and Conservation in Bolivia 47-55
21-2 Hansen, Jörg W. The State of Rock Art Preservation and Climatic Change: An Example from the Central Sahara Desert 57-59
21-3 Bahn, Paul G. Rock Art: World Heritage 3-8
21-3 Bru, Margarita The Cave of Los Casares (Guadalajara) “  11-15
21-3 Ghinea, Virgile Prehistoric Art Interpretation, the Holographic Method”  17-22
21-3 Harrod, James B. Highlights of the Decipherment of Upper Paleolithic (European): A Protolanguage of the Human Spirit”  23-32
21-3 Jorge, VÌtor Oliveira, and Susana Oliveira Jorge Rock Art in Portugal: From the Palaeolithic to the Iron Age”  33-47
21-3 Contreras Barragán, Blanca Eréndira, and César Armando Quijada López The Petroglyphs of “‘El Pedregoso’ In Sonora, Mexico”  51-60
21-3 de la Luz Gutiérrez, María, and Justin Hyland Report on the Proyecto Arte Rupestre Sierra de San Francisco, Baja California Sur, Mexico”  61-68
21-3 Lewenstein, Suzanne Rock Art of the Sierra Tarahumara, Chihuahua, Mexico: a Question of Cultural Affiliation”  69-77
21-3 Quijada López, César Armando, and Eréndira Contreras Barragán Rock Art in Sonora / El Arte Rupestre en Sonora”  79-102
21-3 Quijada López, César Armando The Rupestres Paintings in Tonatico, State of Mexico. “  103-114
21-3 Lee, Georgia Hawaiian Petroglyphs: Recent Research 117-130
21-3 Millerstrom, Sidsel, and Tricia Allen Carved Rocks and Punctured Skins: An Analysis of Corresponding Tattoo and Carved Rock Images and Their Social Implications in the Ancestral Marquesas Islands and French Polynesia 131-138
21-3 Stasack, Edward, Ronald Dorn, and Georgia Lee The Petroglyphs of Kaho’olawe Island, Hawai’i 139-146
21-3 González Arratia, Leticia The Making of Petroglyphs, as a Historical Conception of Time 149-154
21-3 Greer, John, and Mavis Greer Human Figures in the Cave Paintings of Southern Venezuela 155-166
21-3 Hernández Llosas, María Isabel Rock Art in Argentina: Method and Advances in Regional Archaeological Research 167-182
21-3 Hernández Llosas, María Isabel A Unique Discovery at the End of the Continent: ‘Perspective,’ A Technique Used To Design A Complex Rock Art Motif 183-184
21-3 Coy Fred E., Jr. Kentucky Petroglyphs, Two Cases of Mistaken Identity 187-196
21-3 Faulkner, Charles H. Rock Art in the Underworld: Petroglyphs, Pictographs, and Mud Glyphs in Southeastern United States Caves 197-203
21-3 Heyd, Thomas Contemporary Significance of Northern Plains ‘Medicine Wheels’ 205-213
21-3 Pye, Carolyn Sun Paints at La Cueva Pintada 215-219
21-3 Tratebas, Alice M. Paleo-Indian and Archaic Petroglyphs on the Northern Plains 221-235
21-3 Waller, Steven J. Acoustical Characteristics of North American Rock Art Sites 237-240
21-3 Whitley, David S. Ethnohistory and Rock Art in South-Central California 241-258
21-3 Burton, Jeffery F. Late Pueblo Iconography in Petrified Forest Rock Art: Implications for the Origin and Development of the Kachina Cult 261-271
21-3 Davenport, Marietta Rock Art Sites as Components of the Recreational and Spiritual Landscape in Sedona Arizona 273-276
21-3 Farrell, Mary Margaret, and Jeffery Franz Burton Rock Art of the Southeastern Arizona Sky Islands: Eighty Sites on the Coronado National Forest 277-288
21-3 Maddock, Caroline S. The Sedona Pictograph Tradition 289-300
21-3 Schoonover, Grace, and Jane Kolber Chavez Pass A Prehistoric Trading Center and Rock Art Concentration in Central Arizona 301-310
21-3 Serface, Roberta K. Study of Rock Art in Arizona 311-317
21-3 Benson, Arlene, Floyd Buckskin, and Ruby George Tracing the Sun's Shadow 321-338
21-3 Chamberlain, Von Del Star Tracks: Astronomical Motifs in American Southwest Rock Art 339-346
21-3 Diethelm, Inge , and Heinz Diethelm  The Rock Carvings of Alp Carschenna, Switzerland 347-352
21-3 Krupp, E.C. Archaeoastronomy Unplugged: Eliminating the Fuzz Tone from Rock Art Astronomy 353-369
21-3 Murray, William Breen Sky Symbolism in Huichol/Cora Religious Traditions as A Guide to Understanding Northeast Mexican Rock Art 371-379
21-3 Rafter, John Michael Ethnography: An Alternate Pathway to the Stars 381-385
21-3 Sofaer, Anna Pueblo Bonito Petroglyph on Fajada Butte: Solar Aspects 387-392
21-3 Scott, David A. Scientific Study of Chumash Indian Rock Art Pigments and Surface Deposits 395-410
21-3 Züchner, Christian Some Remarks on the Petroglyphs of Northwestern Spain 413-418
21-3 Clegg, John Gavin Souter's Boats 423-432
21-3 Jobling, W. J. Recording Rock Art in Jordan 433-437
21-3 Davis, Nola Montgomery Photocopying Paintings of Rock Art for Curation 439-443
21-3 Davis, Nola Montgomery Measuring Rock Art with the Aid of Lasers 445-447
21-3 Stickney, Teddy Ethical Standards 449-451
21-3 LaForge, Aline Trailside Scratched Petroglyphs Along the Lower Colorado River 455-462
21-3 Ritter, Eric W. Archaeological Context and Explanation for Nevada's Massacre Bench Scratched Rock Art 463-484
21-3 Vierra, Robert K., Alvin R. McLane, and James D'Angelo The Easter Rock Art Site Scratched Petroglyphs in Lander County, Nevada 485-498
21-3 Cochran, Kjersti Ann Lung/ Palulukang Chinese ‘Dragon’ / Hopi ‘Water Serpent’ 501-504
21-3 Mandt, Gro Material Culture and Myth: Snake Symbolism in Nordic Prehistory 505-512
21-3 Ritter, Dale W. The Adored Abhorred Splendored Serpent 513-538
21-3 Hedges, Ken Images of the Spirit World Vision Imagery and Spirit Beings in North American Rock Art 541-557
21-3 Hyder, William D., and Georgia Lee The Shamanic Tradition in Chumash Rock Art 559-586
21-3 Smits, Luc Trance-related Themes in the Rock Art of Lesotho 567-570
21-3 Strange, William C. Too Many Shamans; Reaching for Context at Rochester Creek 571-580
21-3 Valadez Moreno, Moisés Ceremonialism and Shamanistic Representations in Nuevo Leon, Mexico 581-586
21-3 Warner, Jesse Earl Shamanism and the World of Light and Shadow 587-601
21-3 Koskenmaki, Joyce Moral and Ethical Dilemmas in the Appropriation of Rock Art Images: An Artist's Journey 605-608
21-3 Seglie, Dario Rock Art: Cultural and Noncultural Aspects 609-613
21-3 Warner, Jesse E. Sacred Space and Sacred Place, Both A Part of the Sacred Landscape of Power 615-632
21-3 Warner, Judith S., and Jesse Warner Faces in the Shadows Can Talk to You 633-648
22 Bostwick, Todd W. Managing Rock Art in an Urban Setting: The Challenges of South Mountain Park 119-128
22 Bullen, Margaret U. Shamanic Portals: Do They Ocur in Australian Rock Art? 103-110
22 Dean, J. Claire Grappling with Graffiti at Petroglyph National Monument,&8221;  111-117
22 Freers, Steven M. Lending a ‘Hand’ to the San Luis Rey Style 57-78
22 Greer, John, and Mavis Greer 1995 Rock Art Fieldwork in Southern Venezuela 79-94
22 Greer, Mavis, and John Greer An Evaluation of Abstract Figures in Central Montana Rock Art 29-36
22 Hedges, Ken, and Hamann, Diane Recording the Rock Art at Indian Hill, Anza-Borrego Desert State Park 37-56
22 Kirsch, Russell A. Using Computers to Describe Style 153-160
22 Maddock, Caroline S. The Face of Solstice 179-184
22 Malotki, Ekkehart The Owl: A Shamanistic Motif in the Archaic Rock Art Iconography of the Palavayu Anthropomorphic Style, Northeastern Arizona 1-18
22 Monteleone, Sue Ann Great Basin Rock Art: Numic Tradition or Multicultural Diversity 19-28
22 Moore, Elanie A Rock Art Drawing Survey 129-152
22 Sayther, Terry, Deborah Stuart, and Allan Cobb Pictographic Rock Art in Actun Kaua, Yucatan, Mexico 95-102
22 Sutherland, Kay Mesoamerican Ceremony Among the Prehistoric Jornada Mogollon 161-178
23 Bilbo, Barbara The Slaughter Canyon (New) Cave Pictograph Site, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico 49-56
23 Bilbo, Michael Carlsbad Caverns Natural Entrance Pictogrpah Sites 1 and 2, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico 41-47
23 Blanchard, Dawn L. Shamans and Master Artists: Understanding the Parallels in Rock Art 183-188
23 Bury, Rick House of the Sun: The Seasons. A Photo Essay with Six Images 161-168
23 Douglass, Amy A. From Rock Outcrop to Museum Exhibit: Teaching the Public About Rock Art 189-193
23 Ewing, Eve Preliminary Report on Crack Feature Incorporation from the Franco-Cantabrian Regions of France and Spain 147-160
23 Green, John W. The Four Seasons Rock Art Shelter: A Solar Seasonal-Indicator Site in a Texas Big Bend Region Pictograph Shelter 203-210
23 Greer, John, and Mavis Greer Dark Zone Rock Art in Surratt Cave, in a Deep Cavern in Central New Mexico 25-40
23 Greer, Mavis, and John Greer Bear Imagery in Central Montana Rock Art 85-94
23 Hawkins, Bill, Arie, Jane C., Loendorf, Larry L., and Leo Karpinski Lessons Learned: Recording Sites and Assigning Ages to Rock Art Panels 103-110
23 Hedges, Ken, and Diane Hamann Three Pueblo Rock Art Sites on the Nellis Air Force Range 111-120
23 Hyman, Marian, and Marvin W. Rowe Plasma-Chemical Extraction and AMS Radiocarbon Dating of Rock Paintings 1-9
23 Kirsch, Russell A. Photogrammetric Reconstruction of Petroglyphs 177-182
23 Malotki, Ekkehart The Dragonfly: A Shamanistic Motif in the Archaic Rock Art of the Palavayu Region in Northeastern Arizona 57-72
23 McNew, Judie, and Larry L. Loendorf Pups, Suckers and Cats: Fish on the Rocks in Dona Ana County, New Mexico 95-101
23 Moore, Elanie A. Rock Art Drawing Survey: Implications 169-176
23 Quijada, Cesar A., Kolber, Jane, and Erendira Contreras The Rock Paintings of El Leoncito, Sonora, Mexico 137-145
23 Scott, Eric Mogollon Rock Art at Bigelow Crossing: An Inter-Regional Comparison 121-126
23 Steinbring, Jack, and Anthony P. Buchner Cathedrals of Prehistory: Rock Art Sites of the Northern Plains 73-84
23 Stephenson, Christine M. Shamanism and the Rock Art of Bigelow Crossing 127-136
23 Stickney, Teddy Lower Pecos River Style: Rock Art Recording Manual 195-202
23 Welsh, Peter H., and Ronald I. Dorn Critical Analysis of Petroglyph Radiocarbon Ages from Coa, Portugal and Deer Valley, Arizona 11-24
24 American Rock Art Research Association American Indian Rock Art. Guidelines for Authors 129-132
24 Bock, Frank G. American Indian Rock Art. Notice to Authors 127-128
24 Bostwick, Todd W. Rock Art Mask Designs in the South Mountains, Arizona 1-12
24 Bostwick, Todd W., and J. Claire Dean An Experiment in Removing Spray Paint Graffiti from a Hohokam Rock Art Panel with Graffiti-B-Gone 103-112
24 Hyder, William D. The C. Mark Oliver Award: Recognizing Excellence in Rock Art Photography 113-114
24 Malotki, Ekkehart The Rake: A Polysemous Motif in the Shamanistic Rock Art Iconography of the Palavayu Anthropomorphic Style, Northeast Arizona 13-28
24 Martin, Clay The Rock Paintings of Hueco Tanks 115-126
24 McCarthy, Daniel F. Index to American Rock Art Research Association Publications 133-172
24 Pace, M.F.N., M. Hyman, M. W. Rowe, and J. R. Southon Chemical Pretreatment on Plasma-Chemical Extraction for 14C Dating of Pecos River Genre Rock Paintings 95-102
24 Sayther, Terry T. Rock Art of Coahuila II. Twelve New Pecos Sites and the Electric Cross 77-84
24 Steinbring, Jack The Rock Art of Wisconsin 49-63
24 Tratebas, Alice M Evidence of Paleo-Indian and Archaic Hunting Techniques 65-75
24 Waller, Steven J. Spatial Correlation of Acoustics and Rock Art Exemplified in Horseshoe Canyon 85-94
24 Woody, Alanah, and Alvin R. McLane The Distribution of Vulviforms on White Tuff in Nevada 29-48
25 Bostwick, Todd W. Hourglass Anthropomorph Petroglyphs in the South Mountains, Arizona 121-132
25 Briot, Alain Little Petroglyph Canyon. A Portfolio of Photographs by Alain Briot 203-212
25 Bury, Rick Too Many Shamans: Ethics and Politics of Rock Art Interpretation 149-154
25 Christensen, Don D., Jerry Dickey, and David Lee Regional Variation in Rock Art Styles in the Southern Great Basin: A View from the East Mojave 69-80
25 Gilreath, Amy J. The Archaeology and Petroglyphs of the Coso Rock Art Landmark 33-44
25 Hedges, Ken Notes on Basic Methods of Recording Rock Art: Philosophies and Procedures 191-202
25 Lever, Janet Rock Art at the Source 213-222
25 Loendorf, Lawrence Dinwoody Tradition Petroglyphs of Northwest Wyoming and Their Relationship to Coso Mountain Petroglyphs of Eastern California 45-55
25 Malotki, Ekkehart The Use of Hallucinogenic Plants by the Archaic-Basketmaker Rock Art Creators of the Palavayu, Northeast Arizona: The Case for Datura 101-120
25 Mark, Robert, and Evelyn Billo A Stitch in Time: Digital Panoramas and Mosaics 155-168
25 McCarthy, Daniel F. Index. American Rock Art Research Association Publications 237-274
25 McNeil, Lynda D. The Indian Bear Dance: Related Myths and Bear Glyphs 133-139
25 Mich, Kerri J., and Milford R. Fletcher The Resurvey of Petroglyph National Monument: A New Approach to an Old Problem 169-178
25 Monteleone, Sue Ann, and Alanah Woody Changing Light in the Cosos 57-68
25 Ritter, Dale W. Cultural Contact Rock Art Records in North America 223-236
25 Ritter, Eric W. Boundary, Style and Function: Extrapolations from Keno, Oregon Petroglyphs 81-100
25 Sayther, Terry and Deborah Stuart Rock Art of Northeastern Mexico: Petroglyphs of Coahuila and Nuevo Leon 141-148
25 Waller, Steven J., David Lubman, and Brenda Kiser Digital Acoustic Recording Techniques Applied to Rock Art Sites 179-190
25 Whitley, David S., Simon Joseph M., and Ronald I. Dorn The Vision Quest in the Coso Range 1-31
26-1 Albagli de Almeida, Guilherme Remarks on Rock Art in the State of Bahai, Brazil 1-6
26-1 Berrier, Margaret K. Proposed Documentation and Storage of Data Related to Acoustical Phenomena at Rock Art Sites 7-18
26-1 Buchner, A. P., S. Hathout, and B. Russell Digital Enhancement of a Prehistoric Rock Painting from Hazlet, Saskatchewan 19-24
26-1 Callahan, Kevin, L. Minnesota's Red Rock and Other Sacred Boulders of the Upper Midwest 25-32
26-1 Christie, Jessica J. Inca Rock Sculpture in the Sacred and Political Landscape 33-38
26-1 Clouse, Robert Alan Sustainability: Towards a Comprehensive Management Plan for Rock Art Sites 39-45
26-1 Gillette, Donna, Billo, Evelyn, and Robert Mark From Gang Hangout to Educational Resource—Reclaiming a Cultural Treasure 47-52
26-1 Gronemann, Barbara J. Research and Recording of Relocated Rock Art 53-60
26-1 Khan, Majeed  Human Figures in the Rock Art of Saudi Arabia 61-66
26-1 Kolber, Jane Variations of Human Figures Throug Time and Space at Baird's Chevelon Steps 67-74
26-1 Murray, Wm. Breen Rock Art Sites of Northeast Mexico: Recent Explorations 75-80
26-1 Quijada, Cesar A., and Jane Kolber The Rock Art of Cantera, Sonora, Mexico 81-92
26-1 Sayther, Terry T. Rock Art in Perpetuity: One Man's Journey from Paper and Silver to Digital Image and CD 93-96
26-1 Stanley, Lori A. Recent Developments in Iowa Rock Art Research 97-104
26-1 Sundstrom, Linea Rock Art Studies and the Direct Ethnographic Approach: Cas Studies from the Black Hills Country 105-114
26-1 Thiessen, Thomas D., and Charles R. Bailey The Pipestone Petroglyphs 115-126
26-1 Whitley, David S. Use and Abuse of Ethnohistory in the Far West 127-154
26-1 Whittaker, John C., Sarah Koeman, and Rachel Taylor Some Experiments in Petroglyphs Technology 155-168
26-1 Woody, Alanah Linking Past and Place: The Construction and Maintenance of Tradition 169-178
26-2 Aguilar Torres, Newman Pictografias de la Laguna de los Condores: Leymebamba - Peru 231-245
26-2 Arca, Andrea Walking on the Rock Art Paths 63-70
26-2 Brunod, Giseppe, Walter Ferreri, and Gaudenzio Ragazzi The Camunian Rose of Carpene, Sellero (Valcamonica, Italy) 155-158
26-2 Clarkson, Persis B. Contextual Archaeological Approaches to Geoglyphs in Northern Chile: Extending the Theoretical Landscape 191-198
26-2 Coffman, Ralph Rock Art and Early Cultural Diversity in Xingiang, China 87-102
26-2 Comba, Enrico Rock Art, Museums, and the Construction of Cultural Memory 55-58
26-2 Consens, Mario Vikings and Rock Art in Paraguay: Ethno-Anthropological Discrepancies 209-214
26-2 Consens, Mario, Anna Maria Bello, and Graciela Rodriguez Discourses around Exhibitions: Anthropological Analysis of Experiences in Rock Art Diffusion 49-54
26-2 Devlet, Ekaterina Some Anthropomorphic and Ornithomorphic Images: The American-Asian Parallels 103-112
26-2 Diethelm-Loch, Inge, and Heinz Diethelm-Loch Teaching Rock Art in Switzerland: A Country without Major Rock Art Sites 159-160
26-2 Dolgovessova, Elena The Ritual Erotic Plots on the Rock Images of Southern Siberia 113-118
26-2 Garcia, Linda Clara, and Paola Silvia Ramundo They are Going over our Heads! ‘Nos Pasan por Encima!’ 199-208
26-2 Gili, Maria Laura Los Signos Rupestres del Cerro Intihuasi. Cordoba. Sur de la Sierra de Comechingones. Argentina 175-182
26-2 Grove, Margaret The Dancing Figures of Arnhem Land 119-134
26-2 Gutierrez, Manuel El Papel de la Educacion en la Conservacion del Arte Parietal un Ejemplo Interesante: El Caso de Angola 77-86
26-2 Harper, Kevin and Ann Alger Interpreting the Past and Looking to the Future: Rock Art Education at the Deer Valley Rock Art Center 45-48
26-2 Hayashi, Hiroaki Rock Art Education in Japan 59-62
26-2 Hill, Sharon Paleolithic Engravings from La Marche: Discovering New Images and Meaning 141-146
26-2 Hows, Mark E.P. Hill Figures of the U.K. - An Overview 161-174
26-2 Ibarra Asencios, Bebel, and Ricardo Chirinos Portocarrero El Arte Rupestre en la Sierra Norte del Peru: Petroglifos de Caullumachay Provincia de Huari - Ancash, Peru 215-220
26-2 Kunne, Martin Petroglyphs in the General Valley, Costa Rica. Problems in their Interpretation 135-140
26-2 Marangou, Christina Rock-Art and Landscape in Myrina, Island of Lemnos, Greece 147-154
26-2 Marcello, Nadia, and Paola Romero A School at the Museum 41-44
26-2 Martin, F. Ellen Rock Art and Public Education in the Southwestern United States 71-76
26-2 Oosterbeek, Luiz, and Ana R. Cruz Rock Art and Archaeology Education in Portugal 33-40
26-2 Perales Munguia, Manuel F. Las Pictografias de Cori - Vinchos: Avances en las Investigaciones del Arte Rupestre en la Sub-Cuenca del Rio Pachacayo, Sierra Central del Peru 221-230
26-2 Rocchietti, Anna Marie Arte Rupestre en la Argentina: Una Nueva Sintesisa 183-190
26-2 Schaleben, Will Uses of Video - Rock ARt Research, Education, and Preservation 21-26
26-2 Seglie, Dario Save Rock Art 27-32
26-2 Urban, Sharon F. Recording a Rock Art Site. What does that Mean? 1-10
26-2 Waller, Steven J. Rock Art Acoustics in the Past, Present and Future 11-20
27 Ambruster, Carol, and Tony Hull Chaco Navajo Ceremonial Rock Art and Anasazi Symbols 25-34
27 Blackhorse, Taft Navajo Rock Art Discussion 73-75
27 Brugge, David M. A History of Navajo Rock Art Research 5-16
27 Chamberlain, Von Del and Hugh Rogers On the Trail of Dinetah Skywatchers: Patterned Dots and Scattered Pluses 49-58
27 Christensen, Don D., and Jerry Dickey The Grapevine Style of the Eastern Mojave of California and Nevada 185-200
27 Clarkson, Persis B. Art as Science, Science as Art: Aerial Photographic Applications in Rock Art Research 177-183
27 Copeland, James Matthew Dinetah Ceremonial Rock Art and Cultural Affiliation in Northwest New Mexico 35-42
27 David, Bruno, Ruth Ann Armitage, Marvin W. Rowe, and Ewan Lawson Landscapes in Transition? New Radiocarbon dates on Cave Drawings from the Mitchell-Palmer Limestone Belt (Northeastern Australia) 107-116
27 Dorn, Ronald I., Edward and Diane Stasack, and Persis Clarkson Analyzing Petroglyphs and Geoglyphs with Four New Perspectives: Evaluating What's There and What's Not 77-96
27 Freers, Steve The Hand Prints at CA-RIV-114: A Forensic and Anthropomorphic Study 319-332
27 Gilpin, Dennis The Talking Rocks of Carson's Wall: Navajo History and Settlement as Revealed at a Multicomponent Rock Art Site in the Chinle Valley, Arizona 59-66
27 Green, Eileen, and Elaine Holmes Kohta Circus: A Mesoamerican Connection 293-299
27 Greer, Mavis and John Greer Rock Art and Well Pad Construction: An Example of Conservation from Wyoming 161-168
27 Harry, Karen G., Evelyn Billo, and Robert Mark The Challenge of Long-Term Preservation: Managing Impacts to Rock Art at Hueco Tanks State Historical Park 151-159
27 Hayden, Nancy Lee Yavapai Cosmology: Early Timekeepers in the Prescott Area, Arizona 253-260
27 Hedges, Ken Traversing the Great Gray Middle Ground: An Examination of Shamanistic Interpretation of Rock Art 123-136
27 Kelly, Roger, and Daniel F. McCarthy Effects of Fire on Rock Art 169-176
27 Kolber, Jane Introduction: Section Dedicated to Navajo Rock Art 1-3
27 Kolber, Jane Recording, Protecting, and Studying Navajo Rock Art: A Project in Chaco Canyon 17-24
27 Lever, Janet In Touch with the Art 313-318
27 Malotki, Ekkehart The Serpent: A Shamanistic Motif in the Archaic/Basketmaker Rock Art Imagery of the Palavayu Anthropomorphic Style (PASTYLE), Arizona 237-252
27 McLane, Alvin R., and Oyvind Frock The Star Burst Solar Site, Pah Pah Range, Washoe County, Nevada 221-226
27 McNeil, Lynda D. Climbing Bear, Spirit Helper: Companion Petroglyphs at Shalabolino (Siberia) and Shavano Valley (Colorado, USA) 301-312
27 Murray, Wm. Breen, and Hector Lazcano Atlatl Hunters of the Sierra Madre Oriental (Mexico) 261-267
27 O'Connor, J.T. A Cluster Analysis of Anthropomorphic Symbols in North American Rock Art 285-292
27 Pope, Gregory A. Weathering Impacts on Petroglyph Engravings and Rock Panels 97-105
27 Quijada, Cesar A. Rupestres Paintings in the ‘La Madera&$8217; Mountains (aka Wood Mountains), Sonora, Mexico 269-277
27 Quinlan, Angus R., and Alanah Woody Marking Time at Lagomarsino: An Exploration of the Competing Narratives of Rock Art Studies 211-220
27 Riggs, E. Gene Atlatl Hunters of the Sierra Madre Oriental (Mexico) 279-284
27 Rogers, Hugh C. Tracking the Dinetah Hunter: Hunting Themes in Navajo Rock Art 43-48
27 Smith, Courtney R. and David Lee Pictographs of the Volcanic Tableland, Inyo and Mono Counties, California 201-210
27 Sprague, Jack, and Gale Grasse Lizard Cave: A Possible Solar Marker at CA-KER-5525 227-235
27 Weaver Jr., Donald E., Robert Mark, and Evelyn Billo Inscription Point: Too Little Too Late? 137-150
27 Yoder, Donna Livestock in Navajo Rock Art: A Reflection of Life 67-72
28 Attorrese, Elisabetta, and Angelo Fossatti Rock 53 of Vite-Deria: New Elements for the Study of Degradation of Valcamonica Petroglyphs 103-110
28 Hedges, Ken Rock Art Styles in Southern California 25-40
28 Holmes, Elaine, and Pamela A. Cramer Legends, Links and Likenesses: Mesoamerican Symbols in Southern Nevada Rock Art 181-192
28 Hyder, William D., and Dario Caloss Rock Art Styles on the Bishop Volcanic Tablelands 41-52
28 King, Larry Conservation and Management Concerns in the Development of Rock Climbing Recreation Areas at Three Central Oregon Pictograph Sites 63-72
28 Kolber, Jane and Donna Yoder Great Anasazi Rock Art of Chaco Canyon: Possible and Probable Implications 169-179
28 LaSarge, Diana R. The Wallula Stone's Journey: A Cooperative Effort Between Tribal, City and Federal Governments 57-62
28 Mack, Cheryl, and Larry King Parting the Waters - Re-Discovering the Goose Lake Petroglyphs 145-150
28 Mark, Robert, and Evelyn Billo Application of Digital Image Enhancement in Rock Art Recording 121-128
28 Merrell, Carolynne L. Pictograph Perspectives, Photography, and Photo Electronic Imaging: More than Just a Pretty Picture 73-81
28 Murray, William Breen Rock Art Studies in China 139-144
28 O'Connor, J.T. The Nampaweap Site Petroglyphs - Stars, Sex and Piñon Nuts? 193-206
28 Pearce, David Changing Men, Changing Eland: Sequences in the Rock Paintings of Maclear District, Eastern Cape, South Africa 129-138
28 Poetschat, George, James D. Keyser, and Terence E. Fifield Pictograph Cave in Southeast Alaska: Expanding our Cultural Understanding of Rock Art 83-93
28 Ritter, Eric W. The Rationalist Scientific Method in Rock Art Studies: The Serendipity Shelter, Nevada, Example 1-24
28 Rogers, Alexander K., and Carolyn A. Shepherd A Site-Monitoring Partnership at Little Petroglyph Canyon, Coso Range, California 95-102
28 Saville, Dara Kachina Iconography of Piedras Marcadas Canyon, Petroglyph National Monument 151-159
28 Steelman, Karen L., Marvin W. Rowe, Renald N. Guillemette, Carolynne L. Merrell, and Richard D. Hill Little Lost River Cave, Idaho: Electron Probe Microanalysis of a Black Deposit Associated with Pictorgraphs 111-120
28 Waller, Steven J. Sounds of the Spirit World: Auditory Perceptions of Depth at Rock Art Sites 53-56
28 Yoder, Donna and Jane Kolber The Anasazi Rock Art of Chaco Canyon: A Preliminary Report of Findings 161-168
29 Culley, Elisabeth V. Examining Metaphorical Reasoning in Rock Art Production: Conceptualizations of Self in Coso Range Imagery 69-82
29 Dandridge, Debra E., and James K. Meen The Degradation of Rock Art by Lichen Processes 43-52
29 Gillette, Donna, and Teresa Miller Saltzman So What's a PCN? 105-109
29 Lee, David M., and Courtney R. Smith Variation, Distribution and Context of Anthropomorphic and Zoomorphic Elements in the Rock Art Record of the Volcanic Tableland 53-68
29 Loendorf, Lawrence L., and Linda Olson The Tolar Petroglyph Site 1-10
29 Malotki, Ekkehart Liminal Animals in the Archaic / Basketmaker II Rock Art Iconography of the Palavayu Anthropomorphic Style (PASTYLE), Arizona 139-154
29 Mccall, Grant S. No Rest for the Foragers? Mobility and Resource Acquisition in Hunter - Gatherer Rock Art 121-128
29 Merrell, Carolynne L. Buffalo Eddy: A Confluence of Influence as Seen Through its Petroglyphs and Pictographs 21-31
29 Mitchell, Diana Comments, Diana Mitchell, Fremont County Historic Preservation 139-154
29 Phillips, Ann Pecked Stone Prayers for Rain and Warmth: Sand Island Petroglyph Panel, Southeastern Utah 129-138
29 Poetschat, George, James D. Keyser, Betty Tandberg, Helen Hiczun, and Pat McCoy The Beaver Bowl: A Shaman's Petroglyphs in the Northwest Coast Art Tradition 33-42
29 Steinbring, Jack, Jeffrey Behm, and Herman H. Bender Petroforms in the North American Mid-Continent: A Neglected Phenomenon 111-120
29 Taylor, Michael W., and James D. Keyser The Columbia Plateau Scratched Style: A Preliminary Interpretation 11-20
29 Whitley, David S. What is Hedges Arguing About? 83-104
30 Allen, Mary Comments on: The Esplanade Style: A Reappraisal of Polychrome Rock Art in the Grand Canyon Region, Arizona, by Don Christensen and Jerry Dickey 86
30 Childress, Jane P. Rock Art and Rock Crawling in Central Arizona 103-110
30 Christensen, Don, and Jerry Dickey The Esplanade Style: A Reappraisal of Polychrome Rock Art in the Grand Canyon Region, Arizona 69-85
30 Christensen, Don and Jerry Dickey A Reply to Comments by Allen: The Esplanade Style: A Reappraisal of Polychrome Rock Art in the Grand Canyon Region, Arizona 87-88
30 Dickey, Jerry, and Don Christensen A Functional Analysis of the Esplanade Style 89-102
30 Garfinkel, Alan P.. and J. Kenneth Pringle Dating the Rock Drawings of the Coso Range: Projectile Point Petroglyphs 1-14
30 Golio, JJ, and Mike Golio Hohokam Bola Petroglyphs in the South Mountains of Phoenix 111-118
30 Holmes, Elaine 26CK6580: A Possible Basketmaker Rock Art Site in Southern Nevada 15-18
30 McCall, Grant S. Politics and Rock Art: Examining the Utility of Social Structure and Institutions for Explaining Patterns of Rock Art Production 149-156
30 Morales, Jr., Reinaldo and Claudia Cunha Chapada Diamantina Rock Art: New Evidence of Nordeste Tradition Variations in Bahia, Brazil 137-148
30 Murray, William Breen Marking Places: Graffiti, Inscriptions, and Rock Art in Northeast Mexico (and Elsewhere) 129-136
30 Ritter, Eric W. Paradigms and Petroglyphs of the Dry Lakes Plateau, Mono County, California 19-42
30 Robinson, David W. Tierra Incognita: Rock Art, Landscape Biography, and Archaeological Blind Spots - A Case Study from Interior California 43-55
30 Rogers, Alexander K., and Frances G. Rogers Rock Art Analysis of the Terese Site, El Paso Mountains, California 57-67
30 Steelman, Karen L., Jane P. Childress, Jane Kolber, Marvin W. Rowe, and Tom Guilderson San Pedro Eye of the Cave: Painting of the Past Dated for the Present 119-128
30 Waller, Steven J. Psychoacoustic Implications of Prehistoric Art Inferred from Sound Measurements and Echo Myths 157-164
31 Stickney, Teddy Preface vii
31 Quijada, César A., and Jane Kolber Las Pinturas Rupestres de El Púlpito, Sonora” or “The Cave Paintings of El Púlpito, Sonora 1-10
31 Scott, Sara A., and Carl M. Davis Rock Art Conservation, Dating and Protection on the Helena National Forest, West-Central Montana 11-21
31 Bailey, Gay “Gaea” M.A. Beyond Stargazing: Preservation and Organization of Data Regarding the Navajo Star Ceilings of Canyon de Chelly and Canyon del Muerto 23-33
31 Morales Jr., Reinaldo, and Melisa A. Quesenberry A Niche in Time: JD-5, Caribbean Cave Art, and the Fourth Dimension 35-56
31 Medina Vidal, Adriana Un Observarorio Astronomico en la Cueva Tau 57-67
31 Domínguez, Martín C. Pintura Rupestre y Liminalidad 69-77
31 Vicente López, Julio C Algunos Petrograbados de Sinaloa 79-89
31 del Razo Canuto, J. Carlo Icamole, Un Sitio Ritual de Cazadores Recolectores en El Estado de Nuevo León 91-98
31 Hedges, Ken Rock Art in Town: ‘Pilgrim Marks’ in Santillana del Mar 99-109
31 Christie, Jessica Joyce The Carved Rock Shrine of Sapantiana in Cusco, Peru 111-123
31 Morales Vigil, Erika, and Aline Lara Galicia Del Cuacatl Al Cosmos: Pintura Rupestre en la Sierra Norte de Puebla 125-134
31 Frey, Dan, Cesar Quijada, and Jane Kolber Los Petrograbados y las Pinturas de La Pulsera, Cucurpe, Sonora” or “The Petroglyphs and Pictographs of la Pulsera, Cucurpe, Sonora 136-154
31 Riggs, Gene Rock Art Frontiers of the Classic Mimbres 155-163
32 Quinlan, Angus R., and Anne McConnell Preface vii
32 Christensen, Don Dedication “In Memory of Frank G. Bock ix-x
32 Christensen, Don D., and Jerry Dickey The Tusayan Style: Archaic Rock Art in the Grand Canyon Region, Arizona 1-14
32 Lee, David M., and Courtney R. Smith The Shooting Gallery Archaeological District, Lincoln County, Nevada 15-24
32 Woody, Alanah, and Oyvind Frock An Experimental Approach to Pigment Analysis-Six Years On 25-30
32 Fletcher, Milford, and Maynard Merkt Frequency of Occurrence of Classified Petroglyphs at Two New Mexico Sites 31-44
32 Murray, William Breen, and Alejandro Espinosa The Natural Setting of Sheephorn Petroglyphs in the Eastern Sierra Madre (Nuevo Leon, Coahuila, Mexico ) 45-51
32 Frey, Dan A Crossroads in Time and Space: The Chiricahua Mountains Pictographs of Rock Canyon 53-62
32 Waller, Steven I. The Divine Echo Twin Depicted at Echoing Rock Art Sites: Acoustic Testing to Substantiate Interpretations 63-74
32 Monteleone, Sue Ann Rock Art in Context: Revisiting Captain Jack Shelter 75-86
32 American Rock Art Research Association  Officers and Associates 2005-2006 87
32 American Rock Art Research Association  Membership Form 88
32 American Rock Art Research Association  Awards 89-90
32 American Rock Art Research Association  Publications 1974-2004 91-104
32 American Rock Art Research Association  Guidelines for Authors 105-108
33 Don D. Christensen and Peggy Whitehead Preface vii
33 Poetschat, George, James D. Keyser, and Terence E. Fifield Kosciusko Island Alaska Rock Art 1-26
33 Merrell, Carolynne L. Lava Tube Cave Pictographs in the Great Rift of Southeastern Idaho 27-40
33 Roberts Timothy E The Indian Hill Petroglyph Site (14EW1), Ellsworth County, Kansas: New Thoughts About Some Old Questions 41-52
33 Rogers, Richard A Overcoming the Preservation Paradigm: Toward a Dialogic Approach to Rock Art and Culture 53-66
33 O'Connor, Joe Mythology and Symbols in North American Rock Art 67-82
33 Garfinkel, Alan P., Geron Marcom, and Robert A. Schiffman Culture Crisis and Rock Art Intensification: Numic Ghost Dance Paintings and Coso Representational Petroglyphs 83-104
33 van Hoek, Maarten Atypical Cupules at Two Rock Art Sites in Southeastern Utah 105-116
33 Kalish, Pamela and William Nightwine Rock Art and Settlement Patterns in the Agua Fria National Monument 117-122
33 Snow, Gerald E. Petroglyph Calendar Panel at Chavez Pass, Arizona 123-126
33 Christensen, Don D. Preformative and Early Formative Rock Art of the Kanab Creek Wilderness Area, Arizona 127-144
33 American Rock Art Research Association  Officers 2006-2007 145
33 American Rock Art Research Association  Awards 147-149
34 Greer, Mavis, and John Greer The Importance of Rock Art Recording History in Current Research: An Example from Bear Gulch Montana 1-8
34 Poetschat, George, James D. Keyser, and John Greer Bear Gulch: Fifty Years Later 9-22
34 Ray, Melissa Marie The Shield Bearing Warriors of Bear Gulch: A Look at Prehistoric Warrior Identity in Rock Art 23-36
34 Kaiser, David, and James D. Keyser Symbolic Superimposition: Overlapping Shield Bearing Warriors at Bear Gulch 37-60
34 Keyser, James D. ‘These Curious Appendages’: Medicine Bundles in Bear Gulch Rock Art 61-72
34 Ripps, Lisa F., and James D. Keyser Spirits on the Wing: Bird Images at Bear Gulch 73-89
34 Greer, Melissa, and James D. Keyser Women Among Warriors: Female Figures in Bear Gulch Rock Art 89-104
34 Fossati, Angelo Eugenio Shields and Warriors: Similarities and Differences in the Rock Art of Bear Gulch, Montana, and Valcamonica-Valtellina, Italy 105-122
34 McCall, Grant S., and Marie R. Richards Exploring Spatial Variation in Rock Art Site Composition at Ndedema Gorge, South Africa 123-132
34 Taylor, Michael W., James D. Keyser, and Phillip Cash Cash The Role of Women in Columbia Plateau Rock Art 133-154
34 Rodgers, Kendra, and Lawrence Loendorf  The Bear Dance Site: A Ceremonial Rock Art Site in Southeastern Colorado 155-166
34 Sundstrom, Linea Buffalo Gals: Images of Women in Northern Great Plains Rock Art 167-180
34 Rowe, Marvin W. River of a Thousand Lingas 181-190
34 Waller, Steven J., and Daniel Arsenault Echo Spirits Who Paint Rocks: Memegwashio Dwell Within Echoing Rock Art Site EiGf-2 191-201
35 Keyser, James D., and Christopher D. Adams Cora Dutton Petroglyphs: A New Mexico ARPA Case 1-12
35 Baker, Pamela Painted Sites of the Ancestral Puebloans in Chaco Canyon National Historical Park, New Mexico 13-26
35 Russell, Will G., Aaron M. Wright, Tina Carpenter, and Caitlin Guthrie Stained Rocks and Storied Walls: Fertility, Sexuality, and Rock Art In The Hohokam Landscape 27-42
35 Russell, Will G., and Aaron M. Wright Footprints To The South: The Search For Proto-Hopi Clan Symbols In The South Mountains Of Phoenix, Arizona 43-60
35 Wright, Aaron M., and Todd W. Bostwick Technological Styles Of Hohokam Rock Art Production In The South Mountains, South-Central Arizona 61-78
35 Krupp, E. C. Rock Star 79-90
35 Huang, Jennifer K. K. Socio-Political Organization On Perry Mesa: What The Rock-Art Suggests 91-102
35 Dickey,  Jerry, and Don D. Christensen A Preliminary Comparison of Colorado Plateau Archaic Rock Art: Barrier Canyon and the Esplanade Styles 103-120
35 Rogers, Alexander K. An Analytical Tool For Assessing Potential Solar-Oriented Archaeoastronomy Sites 121-130
35 Leska, Amy Newberry Cave, Mojave Desert, California: A Fresh Look At Newberry Cave And Its Paintings 131-146
35 Lambert, Arnaud F. The Oaxtepec Megalith, Morelos, Mexico: A Re-Examination 147-160
35 Cuitzeo Domínguez, Martín Las Manitas Rock Art Site In Cañada De Cisneros, Tepotzotlán, México: An Analysis Using Visual Semiotic Tools 161-170
35 Herrera Maldonado, Daniel Analysis of the Rock Art Feline Painting in Cueva de La Malinche, Hidalgo, Mexico 171-185
35 Poetschat, George, and James D. Keyser Atherton Canyon Rock Art: Part of Central Montana’s Bear Gulch Complex 185-202
35 Merrell, Carolynne L., and Ronald I. Dorn Indian Writing Waterhole and Tom's Spring: Two Central Idaho Petroglyph Sites in the Great Basin Tradition 203-218
35 Swadley, Ben H. Actively Managing Rock Art Sites 219-236
35 Man-Estier, Elena Bear Images and Symbols in Prehistoric Art 237-246
36 David Lee Finding Yidumduma 1-8
36 Donna Gillette and Linda Hylkema Out of Sight, But Not Out of Mind…Revisiting a Significant Rock Art Site in Southern San Benito County, California 9-21
36 Alexander K. Rogers A Chronology of Six Rock Art Motifs in the Coso Range, Eastern California 23-36
36 David A. Kaiser, James D. Keyser, Amanda K. Derby, and John Greer The Bear Gulch Shield Bearing Warrior: Defining a Cultural Type 37-52
36 Sarah Butler, Lynn Dodd, Ashley Sands, and Lucy Harrington Visualizing the Native American Cultural Landscape: A Significant New Research and Imaging Method 53-58
36 George Poetschat, James D. Keyser, David A. Kaiser, Robin Harrower, and Anthony Farque Interpreting Cascadia Cave: An Upstream Struggle 59-70
36 Albert Knight The Rock Art of the Sierra Pelona Mountains, Central Los Angeles County, California 71-84
36 James D. Keyser Size Really Does Matter: Dating Plains Rock Art Shields 85-102
36 Stephen Allan and Steven J. Waller Echolocation of Rock Art: Using Sound to Search for Sacred Sites 103-107
36 Angelo Eugenio Fossati, James D. Keyser, and David A. Kaiser Flags and Banners in Warrior Rock Art: Ethnographic Comparisons for Valcamonica and Bear Gulch Rock Art 109-124
36 Gregory F. Erickson Post-Transformational Evidence for a Shamanic Soul Trip to Other Worlds 125-132
36 Nahum Z. Solís Dávila and Araceli Rivera Estrada The Hunter’s Memory and Ritual Space: Interpreting the Rock Art at Loma El Muerto, Nuevo León, México 133-146
36 Jessica Joyce Christie Inka Carved Rocks and Khipus: Were Some Sculpted Grids Counting Devices Using the Same Structure as Khipus? 147-158
36 Joseph T. O’Connor, Alberto Tesucun, and Josué Martinez Ramirez Mayan Graffiti/Arte Rupestre 159-170
36 Don D. Christensen Context and Rock Art in the Cinder Cone Lava Beds, Eastern Mojave Desert, California 171-181
36 Arnaud F. Lambert The Cupulate Complexes of Chalcatzingo, Morelos: A Preliminary Investigation 183-192
37   In Memory of A. J. Bock ix
37 Solveig A. Turpin Size Matters: The Transition from Religious to Secular Art in the Lower Pecos Region 1-16
37 Eric Dillingham and Margaret Berrier A Preliminary Description of the Guadalupe Red Linear Style Components at Ambush Two Hands Shelter and Lost Again Shelter, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico 17-36
37 Marvin W. Rowe, Robert Mark, Evelyn Billo, Margaret Berrier, Karen L. Steelman, and Eric Dillingham Chemistry as a Criterion for Selecting Pictographs for Radiocarbon Dating: Lost Again Shelter in the Guadalupe Mountains of Southeastern New Mexico 37-48
37 Robert Mark, Evelyn Billo, and John Greer Hunters Shelter and White Oak Springs Pictographs: Pecos Miniature Art in the Guadalupe Mountains of Southern New Mexico 49-74
37 James Burr Harrison III An Argument for the Expanded Context of Dart-Headed Figures in Pecos River Style Pictographs 75-92
37 Solveig A. Turpin A Note about Things Worn on the Elbows of Pecos River Style Anthropomorphs: A Were-Cougar Motif from La Mulata, Coahuila 93-98
37 Margaret Greco Seeps, Springs, and the Pecos River Style Pictographs: ‘Renewing Reality’ in the Light of 25 Years 99-114
37 Shirley Boteler Mock Portable Rock Art of the Lower Pecos Canyonlands: The Symbolic Work of Women 115-134
37 Megan Biesele Research Politics and Rock Art Interpretation in Africa: Perspectives for the Lower Pecos 135-144
37 Ken Hedges and Steven M. Freers A Remarkable Pictograph Site in Western San Diego County, California 145-160
37 Lawrence Loendorf and Laurie White The Kobold Site: Petroglyphs at a Buffalo Jump in Southeastern Montana 161-172
37 James D. Keyser The Bedolina Horsemen: A New ‘Twist’ in Perspective 173-182
37 Arnaud F. Lambert Cup-Marked Stones and the Aztec Ritual Landscape at Chalcatzingo, Morelos, Mexico 183-188
37 Arnaud F. Lambert Further Notices of a Teotihuacano Presence in the Rock Art of Chalcatzingo 189-194
37 Nahum Solís, Daniel Herrera, and Araceli Rivera Agency and Structure in South-Central Nuevo Leon: The Petroglyphs at Loma d e Barbechos (Mexico) 195-208
37 Eugenia Robinson, Joseph Reibenspies, and Marvin W. Rowe Blue Rock Art Paint in Guatemala: Not ‘Maya Blue’ 209-216
37 Patricia Dobrez Deception Creek: An Architectural Petroglyph Site in South Australia 217-230
37 William Nightwine Emotional Expression in Southwestern Rock Art 231-236
37 Steven J. Waller Thunderous Reverberation and Rock Art Storm Imagery 237-252
37 Livio A . C. Dobrez Looking at our Looking: A New Approach to the Definition of a Rock Art Scene 253-266
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