We provide links to other web sites here because we believe they are of particular interest to some of our members or to others who will visit our site. Many of the links are intended to foster thinking and discussion, and may present distinct and incompatible or even controversial points of view. When we post or link to an article on some particular topic important to rock art, we welcome suggestions of alternative views, and if we think they are clear and well presented, we will link to multiple presentations on the same topic. We attempt to include or link to a range of views. Our purpose is educational. Our web site includes some articles on special topics which do not represent any official ARARA policy but whose authors have enormous experience in a particular subject and we think it is useful to have a well-written statement on that subject easily accessible for people learning about Rock Art. We depend on our members and visitors to keep us alert, up-to-date, and inclusive in all of these respects.
Do not assume that statements made on other web sites, or in signed articles on our web site, either are or are not consistent with any official views which ARARA may have adopted as an organization. They are rather the views of their authors.
No financial interests:
When we link to web sites which have any financial activities associated with them, these should not to be considered "ads", neither by those to whom we link nor by our members or visitors. We provide links when we think they are useful to our members and visitors. We therefore attempt to link to high-quality sites, and must, to be useful to our members, make judgements of quality on some occasions. When there are multiple commercial vendors of a given specialized technology highly relevant to rock art, we will attempt to link to all of them, or ideally to some web page which itself links to all of them and which is likely to be kept up to date so we do not have that burden. We accept no inducements to provide links.