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  • 10Fri. Wind Wolves Preserve: Pleito Creek and additional sites as time allows

10Fri. Wind Wolves Preserve: Pleito Creek and additional sites as time allows

  • 23 May 2025
  • 6:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Visalia, CA
  • 10



Site Description:The Wildlands Conservancy owns The Wind Wolves Preserve and they are allowing us to visit this site which is not often open to visitation. The Pleito Creek site is known as among the most vivid and colorful rock art in California, possibly in the U.S. This rock art is Chumash in style but is on the extreme boundary of their territory with the Yokuts. The paintings in the largest cave at CA-KER-77 can be viewed and photographed fine from the cave entrance. No one will be allowed to physically enter the cave because of the sensitivity and condition of the pictographs.
Difficulty: Walking distances to view the rock art are short, but in some places a steep hill and rocks need to be maneuvered. Moderately steep hill of 300 yards to the site.
Vehicle Requirement: 4 Wheel Drive. Vehicles will be consolidated in Visalia. Limit of 4 vehicles
Driving Time: 1hrs 45 minutes
Distance (One Way): 110 miles to the Preserve gate additional distance within the Preserve
Max Number of Participants: 15
Fee: None
Note: Due to the long distance departure time for this trip will be 6:30 a.m.

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