Student Travel Award for Conference Presentations
All qualified students with accepted abstracts who present at the conference are eligible to receive a $500 travel advance award to help with expenses associated with attending the conference. No application is needed. Just submit your abstract for the meeting and check that you are a student. Once abstracts have been accepted, you will be notified about the Student Travel Award.
Student Research Awards There are two student research awards, one for undergraduate students and one for master's students and one for Ph.D. students. Award funds are for reimbursement of research expenses in order to publish a thesis, dissertation, or peer-reviewed academic paper as part of a student’s academic program. More information is available on the Student Research Awards page.
Mentor Program
ARARA is initiating a mentorship program for graduate students who are new members of ARARA. The mission of this program is to provide students with friendly contacts who can answer questions and to direct/introduce them to other members who may have similar interests. This program includes a student luncheon for students to give them a chance to share with each other and ask questions regarding the organization. If you are interested in having a mentor, please send your request to Karen Steelman, giving your name, address, email, your University, and your areas of rock art interests.