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Conf Call For Papers 2025
May 22 - 27, 2025
Visalia, CA

Presenters Must Register for the Conference
Deadline for Submission is February 22, 2025

ARARA is a diverse community of members with wide-ranging interests who are dedicated to rock art preservation, research, and education in order to communicate to a broad audience the significance of rock art as a non-renewable resource of enduring cultural value and an important expression of our shared cultural heritage.

We invite you to participate and share your thoughts on rock art preservation, research, and education topics.  We seek abstract submissions for in-person talks and posters to share your insights with meeting attendees.

All questions about the submission process should be directed to the Program Coordinator at

Traditional Paper Presentations: Papers and reports must be created and presented in PowerPoint. Abstracts of 200 words or less should be submitted via this online form by February 22, 2025 for consideration.

Applications must designate presentations as one of the following:

  • Regular Paper: 15 minutes plus 5-minute question/answer period (presenters plan to present for 15 minutes in PowerPoint and allow for a few minutes of questions afterward; total time frame cannot exceed 20 minutes).
  • Report: 10 minutes plus 5-minute question/answer period (presenters plan to present for 10 minutes in PowerPoint and allow for a few minutes of questions afterward; total time frame cannot exceed 15 minutes.
  • Poster: Displays set up in the conference area, with scheduled times for presenters to be available for contact with viewers.

***Please note that if your abstract is not selected for presentation at the conference, you are still encouraged to submit your research paper or report for publication consideration to our annual journal, American Indian Rock Art. Instructions for submission can be found here.

Additional considerations:

  • English is the preferred language for presentations. If your presentation will be given in a different language, information written on the PowerPoint slides should also show English subtitles. ARARA does not provide interpreter services. An English-speaker should be available with the presenter on the day of the presentation to help deal with technical difficulties and answer questions.
  • ARARA encourages student participation. Please indicate on the application form which of the authors are students so that the Education Committee can contact you with information about membership benefits and possible travel or registration assistance.
  • All Conference papers and reports must be standard PowerPoint presentations (.ppt or .pptx format). Other digital formats for papers and reports are not supported.
  • All questions regarding paper and video submissions should be directed to Karen Steelman, Program Coordinator, at

Abstract Submission Instructions

Complete the form online; it cannot be downloaded to your computer. When you click "SUBMIT," the website will automatically 1) send your application to the Program Chair, and 2) send a submission confirmation to the email address on your form.

If you want a copy of your submission details either print the page or do a screen capture
 clicking "SUBMIT"— the submit button clears the form.

The Program Review Committee will examine applications, and the Program Chair will notify applicants of the Committee's decision via email as soon as possible after the February 22 submission deadline.

In order to accommodate as many presentations as possible during our limited conference time, ARARA reserves the option of requesting that a Regular Paper be changed to a Report, or that the paper or report be submitted to AIRA for consideration instead of being a conference presentation.

Deadline for submission is February 22, 2025. Submissions after that date will not be considered for the 2025 Conference at Visalia, CA.

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