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Workshop Registrations

We will have a variety of workshops at the conference which will overlap with the times of field trips. If you wish to participate in any of the workshops make sure you register for field trips that won't conflict with a workshop.

Registration closes on May 10. There will not be onsite field trip registration for field trips at the conference.

If you need help please contact Troy Scotter at 801-362-1206 or email.


    • 23 May 2025
    • 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Main Conference Room Marriott Hotel
    • 14

    Larry Loendorf (Sacred Sites Research), Laurie White (Sacred Sites Research), and Karen Steelman (Shumla Archaeological Research & Education Center)

    Join a stellar crew of instructors with over 100 combined years of rock art recording experience. In this workshop you can expect a comprehensive experience from dealing with logistics at the beginning of a project, basic survey and mapping, photographic techniques, measured drawing, chemical analyses and age estimation, and ending with lab analysis and preparing a site report.  This workshop is based off of a new book, "Ten Steps to Recording a Pictograph or Petroglyph Site: Methods and Technologies" written by Larry Loendorf and Nancy Medaris Stone. Participants will receive a copy of this book with their registration fee of $25.

    • 23 May 2025
    • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
    • Main Conference Room Marriott Hotel
    • 1

    Adam Appleton (PhD Candidate, University of Central Lancashire)

    You are invited to a cutting-edge workshop that brings Native Californian heritage into virtual reality. Step inside Pleito Cave and immerse yourself with its vivid color palette and multi-layered composition. The real location is difficult and restricted to access, with this digital recreation, we can let you get a close look at one of the most impressive rock art sites in the Americas. There is also the opportunity to interact with fragile Chumash artefacts discovered in Cache Caves around the Santa Barbara backcountry.

    This interactive session is part of a research study investigating how people engage with digital heritage and how to keep virtual representations accurate, respectful, and community guided.

    Beyond the virtual experience, participants will have the opportunity to share their impressions in short focus group discussions and complete brief questionnaires about their experiences. If you are fascinated by the intersection of technology and heritage, this workshop offers a rare chance to help shape the future of digital storytelling.

    Free with conference registration.


    • 23 May 2025
    • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
    • Main Conference Room Marriott Hotel
    • 3

    Adam Appleton (PhD Candidate, University of Central Lancashire)

    You are invited to a cutting-edge workshop that brings Native Californian heritage into virtual reality. Step inside Pleito Cave and immerse yourself with its vivid color palette and multi-layered composition. The real location is difficult and restricted to access, with this digital recreation, we can let you get a close look at one of the most impressive rock art sites in the Americas. There is also the opportunity to interact with fragile Chumash artefacts discovered in Cache Caves around the Santa Barbara backcountry.

    This interactive session is part of a research study investigating how people engage with digital heritage and how to keep virtual representations accurate, respectful, and community guided.

    Beyond the virtual experience, participants will have the opportunity to share their impressions in short focus group discussions and complete brief questionnaires about their experiences. If you are fascinated by the intersection of technology and heritage, this workshop offers a rare chance to help shape the future of digital storytelling.

    Free with conference registration.


    • 26 May 2025
    • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
    • King's Canyon Room Marriott Hotel
    • 5

    Adam Appleton (PhD Candidate, University of Central Lancashire)

    You are invited to a cutting-edge workshop that brings Native Californian heritage into virtual reality. Step inside Pleito Cave and immerse yourself with its vivid color palette and multi-layered composition. The real location is difficult and restricted to access, with this digital recreation, we can let you get a close look at one of the most impressive rock art sites in the Americas. There is also the opportunity to interact with fragile Chumash artefacts discovered in Cache Caves around the Santa Barbara backcountry.

    This interactive session is part of a research study investigating how people engage with digital heritage and how to keep virtual representations accurate, respectful, and community guided.

    Beyond the virtual experience, participants will have the opportunity to share their impressions in short focus group discussions and complete brief questionnaires about their experiences. If you are fascinated by the intersection of technology and heritage, this workshop offers a rare chance to help shape the future of digital storytelling.

    Free with conference registration.


    • 26 May 2025
    • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Main Conference Room Marriott Hotel

    Jennifer Malone: We’re Still Here (Too); Traditional Weaving Demonstration

    Jennifer Malone is a Wukchumni elder, educator, and basket-maker. The Wukchumni are part of the broader Yokuts tribal community of California. Jennifer, whose name in Wukchumni is Hi-el-ic, is a self-described “language weaver” who has made it her life’s mission to save the endangered Wukchumni language while teaching the traditional art of basket weaving.  Malone has been weaving for more than 25 years, having been taught by Beatrice Wilcox, her grandmother who was a renowned Master Weaver.  Malone will talk about her work saving the Wukchumni language and creating a dictionary.  She will discuss traditional Yokuts culture, as her mother taught her.  She will also demonstrate making a yucca utility brush.  This will be an active discussion with the audience, so come ready to learn and ask questions.

    • 26 May 2025
    • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
    • King's Canyon Room Marriott Hotel
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    Adam Appleton (PhD Candidate, University of Central Lancashire)

    You are invited to a cutting-edge workshop that brings Native Californian heritage into virtual reality. Step inside Pleito Cave and immerse yourself with its vivid color palette and multi-layered composition. The real location is difficult and restricted to access, with this digital recreation, we can let you get a close look at one of the most impressive rock art sites in the Americas. There is also the opportunity to interact with fragile Chumash artefacts discovered in Cache Caves around the Santa Barbara backcountry.

    This interactive session is part of a research study investigating how people engage with digital heritage and how to keep virtual representations accurate, respectful, and community guided.

    Beyond the virtual experience, participants will have the opportunity to share their impressions in short focus group discussions and complete brief questionnaires about their experiences. If you are fascinated by the intersection of technology and heritage, this workshop offers a rare chance to help shape the future of digital storytelling.

    Free with conference registration.


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