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  • Home
  • 07Tue. Rocky Hill (Gill) (CA-TUL-26)

07Tue. Rocky Hill (Gill) (CA-TUL-26)

  • 27 May 2025
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Visalia, CA
  • 18



Site Description:See the description for Trip 6 above for information on Exeter Rocky Hill. Tulare 26 and Tulare 83 are less than a mile apart over a ridge.
This is a large polychrome pictograph rock shelter with several other nearby decorated panels, The main shelter has dozens of images of all sorts of animals and various depictions of humans and abstract figures. There are numerous bed rock mortars as well as a slide, cupules, a basket shaped rock and a prominent split rock slide, and another rock shelter. The site has some boulders suggestive of genitalia of both sexes. There are cupules on the rock suggestively female and nearby is a panel including small, delicate handprints.
Difficulty: Easy to Moderate, 1/3 mile walk up a slope on a ranch road. About 100 to 150 foot elevation change.
Vehicle Requirement: Any
Driving Time: 20 minutes
Distance (One Way): 15 miles
Max Number of Participants: 20
Fee: None

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