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Site Description:This is a small site within view, and about 1.5 miles, from Jim and Mary Gorden’s home. When the Gorden family was growing up, Mary would lead everyone on a hike to the site to “walk off” Thanksgiving Dinner. Thus, it became known to the family as the Thanksgiving Site. The site has several anthropomorphic figures in red, in various states of fading. The most dominant figure has a distinctly round mid-section and no evidence it is a male. The ceiling of the shelter is white, decorated with red dots, circles and angular figures. In a nod to our banquet presentation: “Are They Stars?” Difficulty: Moderate. It is about 1/3 mile and maybe a 200-foot climb through a foothill environment with rocks, squirrel holes, gopher mounds and possible rattlesnakes. Some rocks to climb over to get close to the panel. No poison oak at this site. Vehicle Requirement: Any Driving Time: 20 minutes Distance (one way): 18 miles Max Number of participants: 12 Fee: None
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