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  • W6 Exploring Native Californian Heritage in VR: An Immersive Research Experience

W6 Exploring Native Californian Heritage in VR: An Immersive Research Experience

  • 26 May 2025
  • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • King's Canyon Room Marriott Hotel
  • 5


  • Virtual Reality Workshop (Friday afternoon)


Adam Appleton (PhD Candidate, University of Central Lancashire)

You are invited to a cutting-edge workshop that brings Native Californian heritage into virtual reality. Step inside Pleito Cave and immerse yourself with its vivid color palette and multi-layered composition. The real location is difficult and restricted to access, with this digital recreation, we can let you get a close look at one of the most impressive rock art sites in the Americas. There is also the opportunity to interact with fragile Chumash artefacts discovered in Cache Caves around the Santa Barbara backcountry.

This interactive session is part of a research study investigating how people engage with digital heritage and how to keep virtual representations accurate, respectful, and community guided.

Beyond the virtual experience, participants will have the opportunity to share their impressions in short focus group discussions and complete brief questionnaires about their experiences. If you are fascinated by the intersection of technology and heritage, this workshop offers a rare chance to help shape the future of digital storytelling.

Free with conference registration.


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